What You Should Do When Windows 7 Ends

Zack ConoverCloud Services, Network Security

In the technology industry, the term ā€œEnd of Lifeā€ refers to the ceasing of support for a software and/or hardware product. This means no more security updates or customer service. The development of that product will cease to patch the system or fix the bugs. You can still run the software or hardware, but at a high risk.   What …

Invest In The Future With Hybrid Cloud Services

Zack ConoverCloud Services, Network Security

Hybrid cloud services are ideal for a businessā€™s IT infrastructure. Investing in the future with cloud services can save on infrastructure costs, but the most valuable asset is digital transformation for business. Each and every tech-reliant business has two goal types: business goals and goals for IT infrastructure. Historically, the IT goals have been focused on cost savings for the …

Natural Disasters Are No Match For The Cloud

Zack ConoverCloud Services, Network Security

While many Goshen businesses were struggling to stay open, Salem Insurance was business as usual, thanks to cloud services. In February 2018, Goshen, Indiana, and nearby communities had a massive ā€œ100-year floodā€. This record flood left dozens of residences surrounded by water, closed main roads, created a traffic mess due to detours, and resulted in firefighters using boats to move …